Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja has a huge mass fan base. But his recent films struggled at the box-office to record a hit. He had not seen any success after Raja The Great which released in 2017. Currently, he is working on Krack directed by Malineni Gopichand who earlier gave him a couple of hits like Don Seenu and Balupu. On the other hand, Rana Daggupati became a PAN Indian actor, he completed the Aranya shooting and its release is awaited. He is also working for Virata Parvam featuring Sai Pallavi as a female lead directed by Venu Udugula who made his debut Needi Naadi Oke Katha.
According to the latest buzz, both these actors are joining their hands for a remake of Malayalam Blockbuster Ayyappanum Koshiyum. Sitara Entertainments bagged the Telugu remake rights of this movie. .It is out and out action-thriller starring Prithviraj and Biju Menon. Rana to act as ex-havildar, a role originally played by Prithviraj and Ravi Teja to be seen as a sub-inspector which was a Biju Menon’s character in “Ayyappanum Koshiyum”. Meanwhile, Suriya and Karthi are being considered for Tamil version of this movie and produced by Kathiresaan. The moviemakers are considering B.Gopal as a director. Let’s hope that this movie shall become mile-stone in both Raviteja’s and Rana’s careers.