Sreenu Vaitla was once the most sought-after director in Telugu, particularly after the historic success of Mahesh Babu’s Dookudu (2011). But fate had other plans. Best known for his action comedy entertainers, Vaitla has had a string of box-office disasters, right from Aagadu (2014) to Amar Akbar Antony (2018).
Following this rough phase, he chose to take a brief hiatus from films for obvious reasons. Vaitla’s next theatrical outing will be an action entertainer starring ‘Macho Star’ Gopichand in the lead role. Currently in the production phase, the director is reportedly quite confident about the film’s result.
In a recent media interaction, following the re-release of Venky (2004), the director spilled the beans on the possible sequel to it. Vailta was certain that Venky-2 would be made with the same combination and that the script work had already begun. Made as a comedy entertainer, Venky emerged as a blockbuster at the box office and over the years gained a cult following, particularly for its hilarious train episode, which inspired countless memes.