Two big Bollywood Superstar movies were released this week in the form of Aamir Khan’s Lal Singh Chadda and Akshay Kumar’s Raksha Bandhan. Both these films had disastrous openings and screens had to be removed from multiple places. Laal Singh Chadda and Raksha Bandhan failed big time to get the audience in theatres.
Contrary to this, Tollywood is continuing its victory run with continuous successes like Bimbisara, Sita Ramam, and Karthikeya2. The Kollywood trade has also picked up and trade circles are also super happy with the openings of Karthi’s film Viruman.
The film opened with career-best numbers for Karthi by a big margin. Similarly, the Kannada industry is also on a great high after the massive success of Vikrant Rona ram well. Coming to the Malayalam industry, Tovino Thomas and Kalyani Priyadarshan starter Thallumaala released on 12th August and is doing excellent numbers.
All the films from South Industries are doing well and bringing smiles to trade circles’ faces. Only Bollywood cinema market is struggling now.