It is a known fact that pan India star Prabhas is playing the lead role in a film directed by Maruthi. The fans of Prabhas are waiting for the updates regarding the film. Director Maruthi in his latest interview gave some interesting updates, shocking revelations regarding the film. In the latest interview, Maruthi shocked everyone by admitting that he used a dupe for Prabhas.
Prabhas is currently doing Salaar and Kalki and both of these are powerful big action films. Prabhas’s character in these films is intense and action packed. However, Prabhas will be seen in a different role in Maruthi’s film. Maruthi said that Prabhas’s role in the film will be fun. He also said that three titles are being considered for the film and one of them will be finalized soon.
Meanwhile, there has been a big rumor in the industry that most of the shooting of the film is being completed by using Prabhas’s dupe and shockingly, Maruthi also confirms they have used the dupe for Prabhas in shooting, and he stated that it is very common to use body doubles for heroes in films.
Also, Maruthi revealed the reasons for not giving the updates on the film. He said Prabhas is doing multiple films, so they would rather not confuse the fans and audiences by giving the updates which are not needed so early. Maruthi affirmed that when the right occasion comes they will give all the updates of the film.
Maruthi looked confident about the film’s content, and he said that everything is coming out very well and the shoot is happening in very positive mode at the moment.