In a shocking series of incidents, actress Rashmika Mandanna has opted out of Nithin’s film with director Venky Kudumula. The reason for this is being cited as her busy career. “Rashmika is already working on Pushpa 2, Rainbow (Tamil – Telugu) and another Telugu film. She also has two Hindi projects on hand. It was difficult to adjust the dates for this project. Thus, she has opted out of the Nithin film” said a close source of her.
Rashmika had formerly worked alongside Nithin under the direction of Venky Kudumula for the film, Bheeshma which was released in 2020 was a super hit at the box office and it would have been a much bigger success if not for the sudden attack of the Corona Pandemic.
The second film in the combination of Rashmika Mandanna, Nithin and Venky Kudumula, tentatively titled VNR trio – was announced in March this year and there was a lot of hype around the film. Especially the announcement video itself was very entertaining and made the audience’s interested in it.
After the news of Rashmika opting out of the film, there has been a buzz about Sreeleela signing the film, but there is no official confirmation about the same. We know that the actress, Sree Leela is currently very busy with many films lined up.