Boyapati Srinu, the director who is renowned for his mass action entertainers, is now working on another action movie with Ram Pothineni as the main lead. On the occasion of the actor’s birthday, on May 15, the makers have planned to give a special glimpse of the movie. The official announcement has been made about the same, with a new poster in which hero Ram is seen in a shocking and surprising makeover.
Ram looks completely unique in this look from his other movies, and it is a shocking and surprising makeover for him. The poster depicts Ram in a rugged avatar holding a baseball bat. This special video is named First Thunder, and it will be released on 15th May at 11:25 AM. The movie will have a grand release on October 20, 2023, in major Indian languages.
The young and sensational beauty Sree Leela plays the female lead in the movie. Srinivasaa Chitturi, who produced the earlier film of Ram, The Warrior, is making this movie on a grand scale under the Srinivasaa Silver Screen banner. Pavan Kumar is the presenter. S Thaman will compose tunes for this movie.