Shankar is currently doing a film with Ram Charan, tentatively titled as #RC15. The film also stars Kiara Advani in the female lead role. This film is produced and made on a big scale by Dil Raju. Now it looks like Shankar is planning to do his next even with another Telugu star hero. It is rumored to be Jr. NTR. Well this is an interesting news.
Shankar who last directed his film, 2.0, the sequel of his prior film, Robo had started doing another sequel to his film, Bharateeyudu. This was largely planned and the shooting for the film too happened well. But the disputes between Shankar and the production house, Lyca productions halted the film. Shankar has unofficially left that film and gone ahead with a film with Ram Charan, #RC15 to much surprise. This is Shankar’s first Telugu film. He has even okayed another film, a remake of his film Aparichitudu with Ranveer Singh in Hindi. He is now currently working on RC15 and the shoot for the same is even happening at Vizag.
As said, Shankar is rumored to be planning one of this upcoming films with Jr. NTR. There are no much details about this rumored film. We have to wait and see if this film materializes or not.