Shahrukh Khan’s Pathaan is off to a great start at the domestic box office. Pathaan’s first day numbers are among the top openers of all time, as war (2019) had secured 50 crores net and 2022’s KGF 2 (Hindi) had gathered 52 crore net. As per the trade circles, Pathaan’s Hindi version has recorded a an outstanding 50–51 crores net collection on day one at the Indian Box Office.
Despite releasing on Non holiday, Pathaan gathered sensational openings, and the movie has collected around 100 Crores gross worldwide on its opening day, which is an all-time record opening for Hindi film by a big margin. The film has collected 56 Crores net in India (All languages) and In overseas the early estimates stand at 4 Million+ Opening.
Pathaan was released on Wednesday, a day before Republic Day 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages. Pathaan is directed by Siddharth Anand, and backed up Yash Raj Films.
Pathaan smashed records even before the release with its incredible advance bookings. The advance bookings for Pathaan had opened on January 20. Because of growing demands, theater owners in many parts of India had decided to have early morning screenings of the film.
Amid the Pathaan craze, there were also reports that the film’s morning shows had been cancelled as protests emerge outside theaters at a few places on Wednesday. But eventually the film has emerged victorious against all odds like negative publicity and a boycott campaign.