Bollywood badshah Shah Rukh Khan and Tamil Star director Atlee have teamed up for an upcoming action entertainer called Jawan. The film is scheduled to be released worldwide on September 7, 2023, and will have Nayanthara as the female lead. The film has a good amount of craze in Bollywood trade, and even it is expected to do good business in Telugu States as well.
Shah Rukh Khan’s last film Pathaan had gathered massive numbers in Telugu states and now with Jawan being directed by Atlee who is popular in Telugu states has. become an added advantage for the film. The film is expected to do around 20 Crores business in Telugu states and, obviously, most of the business comes from Nizam as Hyderabad is super strong area for Hindi films, so this film is also expected to do good business in mass stations.
The excitement for the film has been very high since its announcement, and yesterday the team released the film’s first song, titled Zinda Banda (Dhumme Dhulipelaa at Telugu). The song, which is now going viral online, is an energetic foot-tapping number that features thumping dance moves by SRK, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, and others. Anirudh Ravichander’s vocals, beats, and King Khan’s moves are the main assets of this song,
Jawan is set to be released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, making it a trilingual film. Apart from Nayanthara and Shah Rukh Khan, the movie also features Vijay Sethupathi as the villain, along with Yogi Babu, Deepika Padukone (in a cameo), and others. Gauri Khan produced the movie under the Red Chillies Entertainment banner.