Shah Rukh Khan has rejected Rajinikanth’s film. It is widely known that Superstar Rajinikanth and young and talented director Lokesh Kanagaraj are currently working on a movie. It was reported that King Khan Shah Rukh Khan would be a part of this film, but the inside information is Shah Rukh Khan has rejected Rajinikanth’s movie.
Lokesh is working on the script of Thalaivar 171 and the cast selection. He also planned to make this film the most prominent Indian movie, with stars from all industries in crucial roles. That is why he wanted Shah Rukh Khan to play a significant role, and reportedly, he met him and explained his character and story. Shah Rukh Khan has rejected Rajinikanth’s movie.
Shah Rukh Khan says no to Lokesh
Even though Shah Rukh Khan is a huge fan of Rajinikanth, he said he is not interested in being a part of the film as he wants to stop doing cameos in other heroes films. Lokesh Kanagaraj is now meeting other Bollywood stars to cast them in the same role.
However, sadly, the exciting collaboration of India’s top superstars could not see the light. The fans will be disappointed with this news.