Tollywood Senior actor Dr.Rajasekhar is ready with his upcoming film Shekhar – Man with the scar. Rajasekhar’s wife Jeevitha is helming the director’s role. She has done the direction for Rajasekhar’s previous films like Seshu, Satyameva Jayathe, Mahankali. She scored few hits along with her husband. In fact all those movies are remakes and she did well bringing those movies to Telugu audience effectively. Now Shekhar is also a remake of Malayalam film Joseph.
Shekhar also features Rajasekhar’s daughter Shivani in a prominent role. Shivani Rajasekhar made her debut with Adbutham. She acted in a Tamil movie too titled Anbarivu. While the couple’s younger daughter Shivatmika is involving in production. So the whole family is working for Shekhar and they took it as a prestigious project. Recently the team released the theatrical trailer that impressed the audience.
Initially scheduled for February release, the movie got postponed due to covid. Later the makers planned to release the movie on 20th May. But Superstar Mahesh babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata released yesterday. And Victory Venkatesh – Varun Teja’s F3 is slated for 27th May release along with Adivi Shesh’s Major. It will be a risky thing to release Shekar in between. So it is heard that the makers are looking out for a new date. So seems like the release of Shekhar is postponed again.