Samantha Ruth Prabhu has dropped her upcoming film Shakuntalam movie’s trailer today. The film, also starring Dev Mohan was highly expected by the audience. The massively mounted film is based on internationally acclaimed Kalidasa’s Sanskrit play ‘Abhijnana Shakuntalam’. The film will be released in cinema theaters in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam & Kannada.
However, the response for the trailer is not as the makers would have expected. Shakunthalam is said to be made on huge budget and for this kind of films promotional content is very crucial because they will raise the expectations of the audience.
But the trailer of Shakuntalam looks so disappointing with poor production values and below par visuals and indeed the dubbing of artists looks poor. Even Samantha’s appearance and dialogues are not good , as they evoked no kind of impact.
Netizens are trolling the trailer, graphics, and Samantha’s looks and some of them have indeed compared it with TV Serials.
The story of Shaakuntalam revolves around the epic love story of Shakuntala and King Dushyant from Mahabharata, portrayed by Samantha and Dev Mohan. Director Gunasekhar helms the film and marks an unusual tale of love set in the Kashyapa Kanumalu (Kashmir).
Apart from Samantha, Dev Mohan, Shakuntalam stars Allu Arha, Sachin Khedekar, Kabir Bedi, Dr.M Mohan Babu, Prakash Raj, Madhubala, Gautami, Aditi Balan, Ananya Nagalla, Jisshu Sengupta and others. The film will hit the theatres on February 17, 2023.