Salaar trailer will not be released for Prabhas’s birthday. Indeed, it is a heartbreaking news for the ardent fans of Prabhas but the inside reports strongly suggest that Salaar trailer will not be released for Prabhas’s birthday. The fans of Prabhas expected the trailer to be released on Prabhas’s birthday. But it is being reported that only a poster is likely to be released and the Baahubali star’s another big film, Kalki 2898 AD’s poster is expected to be released on Prabhas’s birthday with a release date on it.
Pan Indian star Prabhas’ Salaar being postponed from September 28th was a major disappointment in recent times for the fans. However, the fans all over the globe were excited about the dinosaur to come and shake up the box office after the makers announced the new release date of December 22nd. However, Salaar trailer not being released for Prabhas’s birthday is a new major disappointment for them now.
The trailer for Prashant Neel’s directorial was expected to be released on October 23rd. But as said above, Salaar’s makers are not giving any hope currently due to still unfinished technical work. The trailer for Salaar is likely to miss the star’s birthday.
Meanwhile, Prabhas fans will be thrilled by another hint, such a new poster or. announcement of Salaar’s song, if it’s possible. Fans are also anticipating the official announcement of the Prabhas – Maruthi movie, and the first look poster may arrive on that day. No matter what, Prabhas fans crave excitement and surprises on their beloved’s birthday, so let us see what they will receive.