Prabhas’ Salaar made its way to OTT platforms last month with the film releasing in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam on Netflix. The film received a cold response from other versions but the Telugu version has done well and is constantly trending in the top 10 ever since.
Now, Salaar English has made its way to Netflix in a bid to attract the global audience. RRR English version worked extremely well for the makers and got global recognition for the SS Rajamouli film and witnessed record viewership and weeks and weeks of trending on top. With Salaar 2 set to start its shoot soon Prasanth Neel and co will be hoping Salaar creates a similar magic.
After English version, the movie is likely to have a bigger reach with international audiences having access to it. Salaar’s team hoping the film get reach like RRR in international markets. If the first part works well globally, then the second part will have a global theatrical release.
We now need to see how it works for the Hindi audience once the Hindi version releases. The Hindi audience must connect more with part 1 to generate buzz for part 2. The Hindi streaming is expected to happen in February 3rd week.