Salaar corporate bookings are a big mess, and producers must address the issue. On the night of 26th December, there was an uproar on social media regarding the fake or corporate bookings of the pan-Indian action drama Salaar. A series of tweets and screenshots of Bookmyshow and other ticketing apps showing the house full status of early morning shows of Salaar went viral, and a fan war started between Shah Rukh Khan and Prabhas fans. Salaar corporate bookings are a big mess; producers must address the issue.
Salaar team and the closest producers and distributors circle stated they do not know any information about the early morning shows scheduled on National Plexes. For today and tomorrow in all areas, Inox and some other plex chains opened bookings for 6 AM and 7 AM, and they were shown as sold out in BMS.
Salaar Corporate Bookings – A big mess
The fans of Shahrukh Khan and others attacked Hombale Films and trolled them, and they raised doubt that the Tuesday night shows are heavier than Christmas day night shows, and what was more shocking is yesterday night shows occupancies for Salaar were heavier than Christmas day.
Prabhas fans and some others countered by saying it was a plan by the Dunki team and SRK fans. They accused that as Salaar took the lead over Dunki in Hindi yesterday, the Dunki team put the shows on by collaborating with National Chains. The makers should respond and clear this mess as soon as possible.
Both fandoms are countering each other by blaming the opposite one. The East distributor said they do not know about the show’s scheduling. Salaar producers will have to counter this officially as soon as possible, as negativity has spread. In that case, they need to take action immediately. If they remain silent, people will believe in the news of corporate bookings. They need to counter PVR INOx chains’ allegation against them and provide an official statement about the alleged Corporate Bookings for their film.