RRR starring Jr.NTR and Ram Charan directed by Rajamouli released today on March 25. The film has already did record pre-release business of around 500 crores. This is the highest theatrical business for both Jr.NTR and Ram Charan. Rajamouli earlier had this with his Bahubali 2. Now RRR is eyeing on the 100 cr opening in both Telugu States.
The film has terrific fan shows and night shows in Telugu states with massive occupancy and the bookings for the day 1 is extraordinary. The film as said is expected to cross the 100 cr gross in Telugu states. This is a record by a huge margin. There was never a hype for a film other than Bahubali with this range. The star power of Jr.NTR and Ram Charan is also adding up as an advantage. Rajamouli’s Bahubali craze is being continued with these openings.
On the other hand RRR in all the other languages seem to be not well. It is not on par with the range it is having in Telugu. Advance bookings are also not up to the mark. Kashmir Files which is ruling the Hindi Box-office is still going strong. We have to wait and see how RRR performs further.