Dasara 2023 will see an epic clash at the Telugu states box office. There are three films being released for the festival and the most fascinating thing is all the three films are different genres. Balakrishna’s Bhagavanth Kesari, Thalapathy Vijay’s Leo and Raviteja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao are those three films which will be released for Dasara and all the films have done record-breaking business which sets up for an epic clash.
Balakrishna’s Bhagavanth Kesari movie’s Nizam rights are bought by Dil Raju for 14Cr, while Ceeded has been bought by Abhishek Reddy and the internal business will be in the range of 14Cr. Andhra [6 Territories] business will be done in the range of 35Cr. Overall, the Telugu states business of the film is 63Cr and Worldwide business will be around 75Cr, which is an all-time record business for Balakrishna.
If we take only the Telugu states business of Raviteja’s Tiger Nageswara Rao, it is expected to do more than 30Cr and the worldwide Telugu version’s business will be close to 40Cr. The teaser has worked so well for the film and the buyers are truly interested in buying this film. The Andhra [6 Territories] region has been bought for 15Cr ratio.
Tamil Star Hero Thalapathy Vijay is also coming up with the most awaited film, Leo, for this Dasara. The Ceeded rights of Leo have been sold for 4Cr, while Andhra [6 Territories] will be in the range of 11-12Cr, and Nizam will be around 7Cr. The Total business of Telugu states is expected to be around 22Cr which is the highest for hero Vijay, and it is also a record business for overall dubbing movies in Telugu except for a few films.