Veteran Tollywood star Krishnam Raju passed away in the early hours of Sunday. Popularly known as ‘Rebel Star’ among fans and industry, Krishnam Raju was battling health issues for some time and was getting treated at a private hospital where the 83-year-old breathed his last.
The actor-turned-politician was expected to get discharged from the hospital in a few days’ time. However, the former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader’s health could not improve. Notably, he was the first actor to have served as a Union Minister in the cabinet of India’s former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
The news of Krishnam Raju’s death has shocked the entire industry and condolences are pouring in from all film as well as political circles.
In a career spanning more than five decades, Krishnam Raju featured in more than 180 films. He established himself as the most dynamic and ferocious actor in Tollywood and was particularly known for his great screen presence and intense roles. The ‘Rebel Star’ made his debut in 1966 in Chilaka Gorinka. He was last seen on the big screen in Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam earlier this year.