The reason for the Guntur Kaaram song release delay has been revealed. It is widely known that the fans of Superstar Mahesh Babu are eagerly waiting for updates about the film from the makers of Guntur Kaaram, and they especially wanted an update on the first song, but the release of the song has been continuously delayed. Now the reason for the Guntur Kaaram song release delay has been revealed by the inside circles.
Reportedly, the team had planned to release the song for a long time, but due to busy shooting schedules, the release was delayed. At any cost, the team planned to release the first single on Dasara, but the current schedule was started much later than planned due to the dates clash of artists.
So the team decided to finish the shoot with all the artists, and then they could move on to the song release. But Trivikram now cannot take the chance on a song release as he wants to spend much time and release the best one, but he is not getting much time to spend on it. Once this schedule finishes, then only the team is likely to move on to the song release.
Trivikram always takes special care of songs in his films, and he wants to do the same for Guntur Kaaram, even if it takes more time than planned.