A couple of days ago we reported that Ravi Teja was unhappy with director Ramesh Varma over some issues with Khiladi. In the pre-release event of Khiladi, Ravi Teja actively made it a point to ignore director, Ramesh Varma. Usually, a lot is said about the director of the film.
Now in a bizarre turn of events, the wife of director Ramesh Varma has made some serious comments against Ravi Teja. She took to her Instagram to post a story saying this “Aratipandlu Meku Baga Vachu Anukanta Thiyadam. Director Garu Classes Theeskondi Next Time”.
She also said, “Now I understand why Ajay Bhupathi called Ravi Teja a cheap star”. Little is known as to what is going on in the background but this has just made things worse.
There were initial doubts as to whether this was actually Ramesh Varma’s wife but it is now confirmed. Ramesh Varma follows the same account on Instagram.
Whatever the differences are between Ravi Teja and Ramesh Varma, a family member should never get involved. This will only further tarnish Ramesh Varma’s image.