Pushpa 2 is all set to premiere on December 6, 2024. There is also news that Pushpa 3 will be released, and a very experienced actor has confirmed this. Rao Ramesh revealed in an interview that he plays a crucial role in Pushpa 2. His role was not given much attention in the first film since the director promised him that he would have more lines in Pushpa 2.
In Maruthi Nagar Subramanyam, seasoned actor Rao Ramesh played the lead. The film debuted on June 23, 2024, and has impressed its intended audience. Rao Ramesh has received a lot of appreciation for his starring role and claims that the reception to his character has been incredible, winning the hearts of many.
Rao Ramesh has also stated that the script of Pushpa Part 3 has been finalized and that a few sequences have already been shot. The second part of the shoot is almost complete, and post-production is in full flow.
Now that Rao Ramesh has stated that Part 3 is also in the works, we must wait to see how Pushpa 2 concludes and who will play the lead in Pushpa 3. Rao Ramesh’s video has currently sparked a social media storm.