Ram, who was last seen in Red will be teaming up with Tamil director Lingusamy. The combo was announced earlier this year. But, the mystery over the genre of the film still remained. According to the reports, this movie is going to be set on a faction backdrop and will be an action entertainer.
Kirthi Shetty, who made an impressive debut with Uppena will be paired opposite Ram in this film which will be made on a grand scale and lavish budget. Srinivasa Chitturi will be producing this film.
While Lingusamy hasn’t directed any straight Telugu film, the dubbed versions of his films such as Pandemkodi, Run, and Awara were massive hits in Telugu.
Faction films were the flavour of the season in the early to mid 2000s. However, the popularity of the genre faded out with audience expecting freshness. Now, it will be interesting to see if the Energetic Star is able to revive the genre or not.
The film will go on floors soon and will release in both Telugu and Tamil in 2022.