Rajinikanth and Vijay’s box-office rivalry has become a hot topic in Kollywood circles. The two stars have got their movies in the all-time Kollywood top grosser with Rajini having back-to-back industry hits for the past 25 years and Vijay looking to get his shot at overtaking the Superstar. Both Rajinikanth and Vijay are leading in Kollywood opening records and even closing numbers.
The clashes between the fans have become extremely heated and the release of Jailer and Leo last year saw these tussles getting stronger. At the Jailer’s audio launch event, Rajinikanth told a crow-eagle story and everyone just assumed that it was a counter-story to Vijay. Vijay also told a story at Leo’s success meet about a jungle and hunter and everyone thought it was a counter to what the Superstar said.
Now at the Lal Salaam audio launch, Rajinikanth cleared the controversy and said, “Many have misunderstood the ‘Kaaka-kazhugu’ story of mine as an attack on Vijay. It hurts me a lot that people are seeing it as competition. Vijay has grown up from a small level to a massive star,” he added.
Requesting the fans to put an end to this controversy as Vijay is entering politics, Rajinikanth said, “Now he is entering politics and doing social welfare too I’m always his well-wisher. Please don’t bring up such things again. I just wanted to clarify this.”