Allu Arjun’s Pushpa has got off to a resounding start at the box- office. Despite the mixed reviews, the film has been performing pretty strong across the regions and has given sensational day 1 figure. Amidst this day one euphoria, the makers have now decided to delete one particular scene from tomorrow.
The scene in question is the van scene between Allu Arjun and Rashmika. This hot and romantic scene between the lead pair will be removed from the film from Sunday onwards. The van scene reportedly made many family audiences uncomfortable with it.
Meanwhile, Pushpa is continuing its terrific run on day 2 as well. The film has already stood as Allu Arjun and Sukumar’s 2nd best film in terms of US Premiere collections.
Domestically as well this action entertainer created many records on day one. It has created All-Time Record in Nizam beating the previous best Saaho. The movie performed well in Andhra, but due to regulated prices and shows, it just attained decent revenue.