Icon Star Allu Arjun’s Pushpa is continuing its box office victory run in its Hindi version for the sixth week now. In the process of its box-office run, the film even left behind releases like Ranveer Singh’s 83 and has now broken a Baahubali 2 record.
This action entertainer has netted Rs 6 crore in its 6th week. Compared to this Baahubali 2 record was at Rs 5.40 crore nett. The film opened with mixed responses and extraordinary openings at the box office. The Telugu version failed to reach its breakeven mark in Andhra and Overseas regions.
However, it’s the Hindi version that has created multiple records and registered positive footfalls even in the time of Covid.
Baahubali franchise put Telugu cinema on the world map and it was with this film Prabhas achieved a humongous following. The film opened the north market for Tollywood and slowly films started registering great numbers across India as well.
Pushpa is now breaking many Baahubali 2 records and setting new milestones. At a time when other industries were pushing the releases to a later time, Pushpa (Hindi) took the box-office by storm.