Pushpa 2 Trailer has released and as expected its putting up record numbers on YouTube. The trailer was released at at massive event in Patna yesterday and has already clocked up 100 million plus views in all languages in 24 hours.
The Pushpa 2 Telugu trailer has recorded 44M views becoming the most watched south indian trailer in 24 hours. The Hindi version recorded a stunning 49 million views whole Tamil triler registered 5 million views. Malayalam and Kannada recorded 2 million views each.
The total views of Pushpa trailer in all languages now stands at 105 million after 24 hours. This is a great achievement and Sukumar and co will be hoping the upcoming promotional content receives the same buzz. Pushpa 2 will release on 5th December worldwide. The team has planned a series of pan-India promotional events and it everything goes well, then we are surely set for another 1000 crore grosser from Tollywood.