Pushpa 2 Day 2 bookings are strong in Hindi, while the Telugu version saw drops in bookings. The film had a record opening day ever for an Indian film with estimates of 290 Cr gross worldwide, and on Day2 the film is holding strong in Hindi with 60% advance bookings of the opening day, and it definitely has a high chance to collect in the range of 50 Cr net on Day2 in Hindi.
While coming to South, the Telugu advances take a big hit with just holding 1/3rd of Day 1 advances. It can be said that the effect of ticket hikes and the second day being a weekday hit a bit on the film. However, the trade expects the film to take a bigger jump from evening shows and it must take that jump as huge money involved. Even in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, the advance bookings are not very strong for day 2. Pushpa 2 needs a big jump from evening shows in those areas as well. Pushpa 2 Day 2 bookings are strong in Hindi, while the Telugu version saw drops in bookings.
For a comparison how big is the drop for day 2 is, Overall, in all India range, the advances are at around 40 Cr approx., The film should aim for a 100 Cr gross in India for Day 2 to maintain consistency at the box office.