Pushpa 2 has redefined the stardom of Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun. The film has officially crossed 1000 crore gross mark in 8 days. This is an All Time Record for any film ever. Pushpa 2 posted a record gross of 965 crores worldwide in its 1st week and will be touching the 1000 crore mark today becoming the fastest 1000 crore grosser as well.
Pushpa 2 will also become the 4th Tollywood film to be crossing the 1000 crore gross mark after Baahubali series, RRR and Kalki 2898 AD. The film is also the 8th Indian film to cross the milestone worldwide after Dangal, Baahubali series, RRR, KGF Chapter 2, Pathaan, Jawan and Kalki 2898 AD. This is a great achievement for Allu Arjun and the team of Pushpa 2.
Allu Arjun will also become the second Actor to achieve this record after Prabhas without a Rajamouli factor. The film will also be eyeing to cross RRR and KGF Chapter 2 in its long run as well. But it needs to be seen if it surpasses Baahubali 2 which is still way ahead.