The Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce (TFCC) and the Active Telugu Film Producers Guild (ATFPG) on Thursday announced new rules for movie OTT releases along with other measures to control movie expenses. The Producers Guild had called for a strike earlier this month that brought a halt to shootings of several Telugu movies.
“We have decided to extend the window period of OTT release to eight weeks. Hereafter, all the filmmakers will adhere to this rule and there is absolutely no question of flouting the agreement. We are also pursuing the existing agreements and if need be, we will change the terms and conditions with immediate effect,” said Dil Raju, the president of the Active Telugu Film Producers Guild.
A decision to regulate ticket prices along with food and beverage prices at the multiplexes was also taken. The Guild will now try to negotiate with multiplexes on their food prices as well. We have requested the management of all the multiplexes to make all these things at affordable prices,” he added.
“The Movie Artist Association and TFCC have agreed to reduce the increasing production costs and have decided to continue shooting activities within the stipulated budget thus giving no room for wastage of funds or resources,” said Raju on their efforts to control the production costs.