SS Rajamouli’s RRR was made on a massive budget as the film had massive VFX works and a huge star cast featuring NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgan, and Alia Bhatt. Each of the stars had taken record remuneration. The film is said to be made on more than 500Cr without calculating the interest amount and with continuous postponements, the movie put a huge burden on Danayya.
Even after the release, there were no overflows for the movie and RRR failed to get big profits. In fact, in some areas, it was a loss venture. Danayya is not happy with this film financially as everyone expected for a Rajamouli film, the producer will see massive profits.
His previous large-scale movies like Magadheera and Baahubali series brought huge profits to producers. After the release, Rajamouli again asked Danayya to spend money for the Oscar campaign which Danayya had no interest in. This led to friction between Rajamouli and Danayya and the RRR unit went its separate way and started neglecting Danayya.
Even during the entire Oscar campaign, there was no mention of the producer and he was not invited to Oscar win celebrations as well. All in all, RRR has not given anything to Danayya both on the personal front as well as financially