Malayalam blockbuster Pramalu is now inching towards the landmark 100 crore figure. The romantic comedy-drama was released last month and achieved positive critical feedback and a huge audience response. After 25 days, Premalu has collected around Rs 87Cr gross worldwide. In Kerala, the movie collected in the range of 46 Cr and is all set to join the 50 Cr club.
Very few films in Malayalam have achieved this milestone and for a film like Premalu that features newcomers, it is indeed a massive achievement. Overseas, the film has collected more than $4 Million with around 35 Cr gross.
The film is all set to join the 100 Cr club this week. After the roaring success in Malayalam, the Telugu version is getting ready for release on 8th March. This will be a huge advantage for the film and it will sprint to join the 100 crore club this week itself.
The Telugu version is being released by Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya. This will be the 5th Mollywood film to achieve this milestone after Puli Murugan, Lucifer, 2018, and Manjummel Boys which was also released last month.
Premalu is directed by Girish AD and boasts an ensemble cast featuring Naslen, Mamitha Baiju, Althaf Salim, Meenakshi Raveendran, and Akhila Bhargavan in key roles, clicked well with the audience, especially the young generation.