Recently released Malayalam film Premalu became a box office sensation. The film having a low star cast managed to gross more than 100 crores worldwide already. With the film attaining recognition many other language audiences are waiting eagerly. But it seems Premalu OTT streaming date is delayed.
After becoming a blockbuster in Malayalam, the son of Director Rajamouli, SS Karthikeya immediately bought the distribution rights and released it in Telugu. The film became a sensation here as well. It withstood the competition with other Telugu films, Bhima and Gaami. Premalu has already grossed 10 crores gross here and became the highest-grossed Telugu-dubbed Malayalam film also. The film was released in Tamil by Red Giant Films and it is working well there as well. The streaming rights of the film were bought by leading OTT giant, Disney+Hotstar. Everyone thought that the film will stream on Disney+Hotstar from tonight but there is no update regarding the streaming time yet.
The team might be waiting for the collections to come to a halt. It seems that the streaming date will be delayed for some more days or it may stream tonight as well. It needs to be seen if the team gives an update about the streaming date.