Prabhas has signed two projects with Sujeeth and Radha Krishna Kumar before Bahubali 2. Sahoo shooting started before Bahubali 2 release itself. The film has even done well at the box office but a heavy loss venture in other languages. Doing a film again with a new comer of budget around 300 crores is also a huge risk but Prabhas had gone ahead with Radhe Shyam to stand on his promise to the director of Radha Krishna Kumar.
But now it appears that the result is shocking in other languages. The movie has started on a disastrous note and decent in Telugu. With the mixed talk it appears that it is possible to recover the amounts in Telugu too. There are lot of times when we films getting cancelled depending upon the situation. Recently Allu Arjun too has cancelled Icon and Boyapati Srinu project after witnessing Pushpa’s success and euphoria.
What Prabhas has achieved with by standing on his promise is also important. Buyers have lost huge amount and producer alos lost the amount. Prabhas has a great image to appeal to the Pan-Indian audience. It’s better if he starts thinking in a better way for the movie buyers and audiences.