Ever since the Pan India releases have started from Tollywood and all over, there has been a discussion about who is the Pan Indian star. With the advance bookings of Adipurush Prabhas has proved that he is indeed the biggest star of Tollywood and no one is near to him. However, Prabhas’s stardom is getting huge pre-release business and massive openings at the box office, but after that, his films are crashing after the first weekend, which is a worrying factor.
There is no doubt that Prabhas has achieved pan Indian stardom, and he can carry such big budget films, but off late the quality and content in his recent films is affecting his box office stamina.
After Baahubali 2, if we observe, all the three films of Prabhas have crashed after having an outstanding weekend at the box office. Saaho and Radhe Shyam films were expected to get drop on Monday because both the movies opened with unanimous bad talk and negative reviews. However, Adipurush getting a massive drop on its 1St Monday is unexpected as the movie has decent reviews, mixed word of mouth with additional advantages like Ramayan and 3D.
This proves that with big stardom, the expectations of the audiences also will be huge and they would not be satisfied with quality less and mediocre content. Adipurush may have better talk than the previous movies, but the film definitely failed to reach the expectations of fans and audiences.
Now Prabhas should take care and deliver strong content with his upcoming films Salaar, Raja Deluxe, and Project K. Otherwise even those films will also get the same result of massive openings and crashing after the 1St weekend.