Shiva RajKumar’s 125th film, Vedha was released in Telugu, as Shiva Vedha yesterday. The Kannada version of the A Harsha directorial had released for Christmas last year and the team has made good amount of promotion for Telugu dubbed Version by arranging a major pre-release event in Hyderabad before the Telugu version comes to theaters on February 9.
Surprisingly, February 10 is when the film is dropping on OTT platform Zee5 in all the languages they have dubbed it in, including Telugu, which has netizens wondering why it is being pushed to theatres after all.
The netizens and audience opine that since all the dubbed forms were ready, the unit should have preferred for a simultaneous release, or at least dropped it by a few weeks instead of now having the OTT streaming and the Telugu version turning out in theaters almost at the same.
The netizens say that it is a poor decision to release this film’s Telugu dubbed version in theaters which is like cheating the audience. They also wonder that what made the film’s unit to carry out such promotions for Telugu dubbed version as they brought Nandamuri Balakrishna for the Pre Release Event.
The Kannada-language action-thriller film Vedha starring Shiva Rajkumar in the lead role has been helmed by Harsha and they released it in theaters on December 22, 2022.
The plot of Vedha rotates around Vedha and his daughter Kanaka, who are on a killing spree. While they are being chased by a cop named Rama, they always manage their escape in the nick of time. Will Rama be able to stop the killings forms the rest of the narrative of the story.
Vedha also stars Shwetha Changappa, Ganavi Laxman, Shwetha Changappa, Umashree and Aditi Sagar in pivotal roles. The film opened to positive response from the audiences and critics alike.