Actress Pooja Hegde took to social media to share good news with her fans and well-wishers. The ‘Radhe Shyam’ actress updated everyone that she has now tested negative for Covid and that she is feeling much better.
“Thank you for all the love ya’ll have sent my way. I have recovered well, kicked stupid corona’s butt and finally tested NEGATIVE! yeyy! All your wishes and healing energy seemed to have done it’s magic. Forever grateful stay safe out there,” posted the actress.
The actress had earlier last month tested positive for Covid and had placed herself on home isolation. Meanwhile, Pooja’s fans and well-wishers are rejoicing at the actress’s better health.
Pooja has a number of biggies lined up in the coming days. Apart from Prabhas’ Radhe Shyam, she will also be seen in Acharya and Most Eligible Bachelor. Pooja Hegde will also be seen opposite Thalapathy Vijay in Vijay 65.