Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan is on a roll. The film brought up the Rs 200 crore mark over the weekend and has in no time hit the magical Rs 250 crore mark as well. The team toured across India and extensively promoted this action adventure film based on the Chola dynasty. The film has now got off to a terrific start in all territories and has established an all-time record for the Tamil version.
In Tamil Nadu, Ponniyin Selvan had a sensational Monday registering 80% Collections of the day1. Similarly, In Kerala also the movie held super strong by maintaining 75% Collections of day1. In Karnataka same trend continues with more than 60% on day1. The film performed impressively in the Hindi market and had a decent Monday with 65% collections of day1.
It was a different story altogether in the Telugu market and the film crashed completely and needs a big jump now for breakeven. The film has been holding strong in the overseas market and has now crossed the 250Cr gross mark.
Termed the dream project of the aced director, the film features a massive star cast of Vikram, Aishwarya Rai, Trisha, Karthi, Jayam Ravi, and others.