A Police Case has been filed against Allu Arjun. The Chikkadpally Police have registered cases under Sections 105 and 118 of the BNS Act following the tragic stampede at Sandhya Theatre, RTC Crossroads. On December 4th night, Icon Star Allu Arjun went to the famous theater at the X roads and unfortunately, his visit resulted in the death of a woman.
The cases have been put against the theatre management for their negligence in maintaining crowd safety, as well as against Allu Arjun’s team, as they did not inform the police ahead of the actor’s arrival. The fans are now worried as a Police Case has been filed against Allu Arjun. On Wednesday night, a humongous crowd was gathered at Sandhya Theatre for the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule. The fans were waiting to see and meet Allu Arjun. The situation went out of control around 10:30 PM as fans pushed against each other. This led to a stampede. Revathi, a 39-year-old woman from Dilsukhnagar, was among those caught in the chaos. She attended the event with her husband Bhaskar and their children, Tej (9) and Sanvi (7).
Sadly, Revathi and Tej collapsed amidst the suffocating crowd. At the hospital, Revathi was declared dead by the doctors. Her son Tej is undergoing critical care. Doctors suspect his condition is due to severe hypoxia and lung injuries. We need to wait and see how Allu Arjun will react to this unfortunate incident.