AR Rahman’s grand concert titled “Marakkuma Nenjam was organized by ACTC Events on September 10. The concert was held at Adityaram Studios in Chennai. Numerous people flocked to the location, resulting in a stampede-like situation, and severe traffic issues along with scores of women coming out with their harassment experiences.
The event managers were criticized for poor organization. Following an investigation, Tambaram police have filed a complaint against ACTC Events, the group responsible for organizing the AR Rahman performance.
AR Rahman and ACTC Events issued an apology following the event’s poor management and the poor experience it caused thousands of attendees. Many people who had tickets in hand were unable to access the arena causing great agony to many who wanted to catch their favourite musician live.
Tambaram Police launched an investigation after receiving reports of high traffic and oversold tickets. Officials claim that Hemanth Raja, the MD of ACTC events, and two other people have been booked under sections 188 and 406 of the IPC.
Marketed as India’s biggest concert, AR Rahman and ACTC Events revealed that over 40,000 people were part of the show. However, the concert saw more than the count mentioned, which caused unpleasant experiences for many. Several fans who paid money to attend Rahman’s ‘Marakkuma Nenjam’ concert were denied entry due to overcrowding.