Power star hero Pawan Kalyan (Pawan Kalyan) who recently faced a failure with his recent film Bro The Avatar will appear before the audiences with stylish action thriller OG. The film is being directed by Sujeeth of ‘Run Raja Run’ and ‘Saaho’ fame. The PSPK Fans and movie lovers are eagerly waiting for the teaser of the movie, which is currently in the shooting stage. Now an exciting update about the OG teaser has come that it will be launched at Sandhya 35MM theater at RTC X Roads, Hyderabad.
The makers have shared fresh news with everyone, raising the excitement to another level. On the occasion of Pawan Kalyan’s birthday, it was announced that the teaser will be launched on September 2 at 10:35 am. However, the makers have given another update regarding the teaser. The teaser launch event will be held at Sandhya Theatre, RTC Cross Road, Hyderabad at 9:30 am tomorrow.
The makers took to social media and said, “Come to the launch event #HungryCheetah and let’s blow it up.”
Produced by DVV Danayya under the banner of DVV Entertainment, OG stars Pawan Kalyan, Priyanka Arul Mohan along with an ensemble star cast including Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi, renowned actors such as Prakash Raj, Sriya Reddy, Arjun Das, Harish Uthaman, in important roles. Fans are eagerly waiting for this film’s each and every update, and they cannot control the excitement until the film’s teaser gets released.