Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veera Mallu has taken many beatings so far. The shooting of the film has been postponed countless times due to various reasons. Producer AM Ratnam has also incurred many losses due to the delay in shooting. He has also lost money on loans taken for the sets of Hari Hara Veera Mallu.
Hari Hara Veera Mallu is the most ambitious project in Pawan Kalyan’s filmography. This is the first time that Pawan Kalyan has decided to opt for a more different kind of role. The first look of the film also indicates that this is going to be unlike any other Pawan Kalyan film.
But the film has been burdened with many issues from the shooting phase itself. The film was supposed to start shooting once again during the month of April but it was pushed. Later, it was postponed to another date again. At one point, there were rumors that the film will be shelved but the team decided to start shooting from the 2nd week of August.
It is now the 3rd week in August and there are no signs of progress from the team. There is now news once again that the new schedule will start in September but it is to be seen whether this will plan will turn to fruition.
Director Krish is doing everything in his power to make sure that this schedule works out. He wants the portions involving Pawan Kalyan to be completed during this schedule itself. This is probably the make-it-or-break-it schedule for the entire team and we wish them the very best.