Ustaad Bhagat Singh, Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film, has gone through many reshuffles and hurdles during its shooting phase, and it is widely known to everyone. Nonetheless, the movie is preparing to rectify all the issues, and the latest news is that Power Star Pawan Kalyan allocated a mini schedule for the film
As per the reports, the new schedule of the film will be beginning tomorrow and Pawan Kalyan will join the shoots, but it will be only for the 4 days and after that, he will switch to his political campaign for Varahi Yatra.
Director Harish Shankar knows very well that he has to complete the shooting part of Pawan Kalyan with this kind of mini schedules as the actor has to fulfill his political duties as well. He indirectly posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) whatever may be the little time does Pawan Kalyan allocate, it is enough for him.
Sree Leela is paired with Pawan Kalyan in the movie, which features prominent actors in important roles. Coming to the technical crew, Ayananka Bose handles the cinematography and Rock star Devi Sri Prasad helms the music. Editing is by Chota K Prasad. The action sequences are overseen by stunt director duo Ram – Lakshman.