This week saw two OTT premieres of Tollywood movies- Intinti Ramayanam and Malli Pelli. Incidentally, both these films star Naresh and are streaming on Aha. Intinti Ramayanam was released earlier this month and received good appreciation from the audience. Right after its theatrical release, the film made its way to OTT and it has been received well here as well.
The film has been lapped up by the family audience who have found it a good film to watch together. The characters and dialogue have received great appreciation and the realistic portrayal has also added to the film’s viewing experience.
Starring Naresh, Rahul Ramakrishna, and Navya Swamy in the lead roles and directed by the debutant director Suresh Naredla, the movie also has Surabhi Prabhavathi, Gangavva, Anji Mama, Anji, Chevella Ravi, Jeevan, Radhika, Steven Madhu, and Kavitha Srirangam among others.