Starring Actor Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh in the lead roles, Malli Pelli was one of the most controversial films in recent times as it was based on the real-life incidents of Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh who were the part of many controversies in because of their relationship. Two leading OTT platforms, Amazon Prime Video and Aha Video, had bought the streaming rights of the film for a fancy price and were supposed to stream the family drama from June 23, 2023. But it turns out that only Aha Video is streaming the film now.
As said above, Naresh’s Malli Pelli OTT rights were bought by both Amazon Prime and Aha and they both started streaming the film a few days back and the movie got a superb response in the OTT release. However, Naresh’s ex-wife filed a legal case on the film to stop its streaming on OTT platforms and due to this reason, the Amazon Prime Video is said to be stopped the streaming but Aha Video is still streaming the movie.
As per the update, Malli Pelli is not streaming on Prime Video has disappointed the netizens and moviegoers. Aha Video, the Telugu OTT platform has also bagged the streaming rights, Malli Pelli started streaming on Aha from the 23rd of June.
A few days back, Naresh’s third wife Ramya Raghupathi approached the court of law addressing both Prime Video and Aha to stop the screening of the film. Aha, has not paid heed to it and is still streaming the film. But Amazon Prime Video is handling things in a legal manner, and it is not streaming the movie.
Malli Pelli is largely inspired from real life incidents of Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh and the film was directed by MS Raju. The film was released on May 6, 2023, and ended as a disappointing fare at the box office. In Malli Pelli, Naresh plays a film star who falls in love with his co-star, played by Pavitra Lokesh. MS Raju portrayed the romantic drama between an aged couple in an entertaining manner, and the film also had Jayasudha in a key role.
Malli Pelli was also special as it was the late Sarath Babu’s last film of his career. He passed away just a few days before the film’s release. The film’s promotions were carried out very aggressively, as both Naresh and Pavitra gave controversial statements about their relationship in all their interviews.