Pawan Kalyan’s OG is the next Telugu Cinema sensation in India, says actor Venkat. It is widely known that Power Star Pawan Kalyan has teamed up with a young director who made Saaho with Prabhas. Since its announcement, “They Call Him OG” has been surrounded by massive hype, and the teaser has raised the anticipation to the next level. Now, one of the film’s cast members, Venkat, says that OG is the next Telugu Cinema sensation in India.
” I am doing a crucial and Important role in OG. I have already taken part in the shoot, but I can’t reveal much about the film now, but I can say it will be the next big thing from the Telugu Film Industry,” Venkat said in a small interaction with the media.
Venkat debuted as a hero with the film Seetha Ramula Kalyanam Chootamu Raarandi. He tasted success with his first film. After that, he played Megastar Chiranjeevi’s younger brother’s role in Annayya, along with Ravi Teja. Venkat got more recognition with that role. After that, he appeared in minor roles and took a break from the industry, and he is now making a comeback with OG.
The film industry and fans alike are anticipating the release of OG. Pawan has complete trust in this project, and the producers are prepared to allocate a significant budget to make it a grand success.
OG is scheduled to be released in December this year, according to the Initial plan.