Today marks the one-year anniversary of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s first film together, Brahmastra. The movie was well-received by the audience and went on to be a good success. Ayan Mukerji has promised to give the fans an exciting update on the next part soon.
On Saturday, Ayan Mukerji took to his Instagram and shared a montage of all the goosebumps-worthy scenes from the movie, The filmmaker penned a heartfelt note and also promised to unveil some artwork from the next part of the film. The filmmaker wrote, “Happy 1st Birthday, Brahmastra!* Thank you for all the Creativity, all the hard work, and for all the Lessons in Film-making, and in Life! P.S.: Will share some early artwork from the next stage of the Brahmästra journey in a bit…!”
Netizens expressed their excitement and demanded Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone to appear as Dev and Amrita in the second part.
Dharma Productions also took to Twitter and sharing the video, wrote, “To a cinematic experience that beautifully portrays the power of love & light against all odds! Celebrating #1YearOfBrahmastra.”
Made by Ayan Mukerji, Brahmastra stars Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Mouni Roy, Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Deepika Padukone also had a cameo in the film. On September 9, 2022, the movie was released, and it earned around Rs 270 crore at the domestic box office and Rs 431 crore worldwide.