AR Rahman will compose the music for Ram Charan’s film. Yes, the news is confirmed officially. Until now, it was just a buzz, but the director confirmed it, Buchi Babu himself, in the Bigg Boss Telugu episode yesterday. It is widely known that the news of Oscar Award Winner AR Rahman working for Ram Charan and Buchi Babu’s film was doing rounds on social media for many days.
In the latest Diwali episode of Bigg Boss Telugu 7, Buchi Babu confirmed it and announced that AR Rahman is working on his film with Ram Charan. He also promised a good role for Bigg Boss contestant Arjun Ambati, a famous TV actor who has been seen in a few movies and web series.
The upcoming film, being made in combination with Uppena Director Buchi Babu and Mega Power Star Ram Charan, is the 16th film of the latter, which is why it is tentatively titled RC16. As said above, AR Rahman will compose the music for Buchi Babu and Ram Charan’s film.
The movie’s script work is said to be completed, and reportedly, Buchi spent a lot of time on the script. It is said to be made as a rural sports drama (Kabaddi) in the backdrop of the 1980s period. Ram Charan will reportedly essay a double role for this film.
The film’s shooting is planned to start at this year’s end; otherwise, it will begin next year. The Movie’s unit aims to release the film immediately after Game Changer’s release within a small gap.