Kollywood Actor, Dhanush and Actress Nayanthara are in a tussel about using the footage relating to their film, Nanum Rowdy Dhaan. The Actress fell in love with the Director of the film, Vignesh Shivan during the making and the couple married each other later as well. Nayanthara wanted to use some of the footage of the film her wedding documentary to which Dhanush, who happens to be Producer, objected. This made Netizens find a strange similarity between Dhanush and Music Director, Ilaiyaraaja.
As Dhanush objected to using the footage of the film, netizens felt that this also became the case with Ilaiyaraaja who doesn’t allow others to use his musical work in films or other events. Ilaiyaraaja has sent legal notices few times to celebrities who used his work without obtaining his permission. They also pointed out funnily that Dhanush while playing the role of Ilaiyaraaja in his Biopic has become a real life Ilaiyaraaja by rejecting Nayanthara’s wish. Many have made memes on this which are trending now on social media platforms.
On the other hand, as alleged by Nayanthara that Dhanush demanded 10 crores for the usage of the footage of the film, fans are eagerly waiting to know the reason behind this. Some Trade analysts say that this was due to the losses incurred on Nanum Rowdy Dhaan. They also opine that Dhanush didn’t like the decision of Nayanthara wanting to use this for her wedding Documentary as part of money making. So, let’s wait and see.