Naga Babu is known to have unabashed opinions on most issues in Tollywood. The actor on multiple occasions has countered many industry insiders and fans through his Youtube channel. The actor even released a video yesterday about the controversy surrounding his daughter Niharika. The actress was questioned by Banjara Hills police after they raided a pub regarding a drug bust.
Naga Babu clarified that his daughter was clean and asked media channels and social media users to not speculate anything without full information. However, this advice from the senior actor has not gone down well with many.
The netizens started counter-attacking him with many claiming that if any other family people were in the same position as him, he would have started giving sermons and passing satires on the issue. The actor is known for his sarcastic remarks and backhanded comments on various issues through his Youtube channel.
Around 150 members were at the spot when the police arrived at the pub in the early hours on Sunday. This group included Niharika and Rahul Sipligunj among other known faces.
The pub at Radisson Blu Hotel in posh Banjara Hills was raided around 3 a.m. by Task Force personnel of Hyderabad City Police, who also found cocaine and other banned substances from the premises.