Natural Star Nani’s Hi Nanna OTT streaming details are announced. The film managed to impress the audience and performed. well at the box office becoming Nani’s 2nd hit of 2023 after Dasara. The film also starred Mrunal Thakur in the lead role and was well-appreciated for its emotional narration and drama.
The romantic drama will now stream on Netflix from 4th of January in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi.
Director Shouryuv made the movie a wholesome family entertainer with heart-touching emotions. Nani gave one of the finest performances in the film, co-starring Mrunal Thakur and Kiara Khanna, who also gave superb performances. Vyra Entertainments bankrolled the project and has a chart-buster album scored by Hesham Abdul Wahab.